Celebrating Movement
As humans, we are meant to move. HÅG designs chairs that help you stay healthier, more active and alert by enabling effortless movement of your whole body while you sit and work. The result is more freedom, greater comfort and better productivity.
Explore HÅG projects...
iCITY (Innovation City)
State of the art biotech start-up hub featuring sustainable seating solutions
Redd Barna (Save the Children)
Flokk provide complete seating solution to meet environmental, ergonomic, and aesthetic needs
Forte Digital
Flokk help to deliver a complete seating solution over seven office floors of international technology company
Co-Work Aleja Bielany
A co-work space located in the suburbs, providing an alternative to commuting or working from home
HÅG products
HÅG Capisco
HÅG Capisco Puls
HÅG Tion
HÅG Celi
HÅG Creed
HÅG Tribute
HÅG Inspiration
HÅG Excellence
HÅG Futu
HÅG Conventio Wing
HÅG Conventio