Giroflex by flokk_logo[1338]

Giroflex 150 Anniversary_ENG II_g64-10-Feb-24-2022-11-41-52-88-AM
  • For 150 years, the name Giroflex has been synonymous with seating excellence - a pioneering brand defined by cutting-edge technology and innovation, helping active people and active minds sit and work better.

    Celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2022, we explore the rich history that makes Giroflex an iconic brand, and share our latest designs, pushing the boundaries of seating innovation further...

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Founded in 1872, this year marks the 150th anniversary of Flokk brand Giroflex. From the outset, an emphasis on craft has been the fundamental characteristic of our chairs. As our sitting culture has adapted to the times, so has our brand. What began as exquisitely designed bentwood chairs has evolved into precision engineered machinery, but our focus has always been on flexibility, ergonomics and providing the best possible experience for the user.

On this solid foundation of a 150 years’ experience, we breathe a fresher and more tangible attitude into the development of our brand. Further modernizing Giroflex in sync with our contemporary habits and desires, bringing forward the core values that our brand has always been built on.

Celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2022, we open up the archives and explore our rich and fascinating history, highlighting what makes Giroflex such an iconic brand, as well as looking to the future with new product launches and exhibitions planned throughout the year.

  • Giroflex 2022 anniversary events

  • Introducing giroflex 40


    The elegant, yet energising giroflex 40 is health-focused with an ergonomic design, featuring all the hallmarks of a Giroflex chair - visually simplified to create a softer more approachable chair - perfect for open office landscapes, just as well as in more private office settings.

  • Giroflex's anniversary Premium Edition

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    The giroflex 150. An exclusive Giroflex chair that celebrates Giroflex’s wooden heritage, merging the beauty of this traditional material with a contemporary twist, culminating with an iconic classic. This project brings together Swiss design with Japanese craftmanship in a collaboration with Karimuko New Standard and Big-Game Design.

  • See you in June, during Salone de Mobile!

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    Collab | KNS x GIROFLEX x BIG-GAME Exhibition | @Assab One, Milan, in June, 2022. Join us for the unveiling of the giroflex 150 during Salone de Mobile. Be one of the first to experience an extraordinary seating in a beautiful wooden chair with high-touch premium design. Our immersive exhibition uncovers the rich stories about giroflex 150, a chair merging traditional materials with a contemporary twist.

Discover Giroflex designs