BETC are one of France’s leading advertising agencies, with an impressive list of clients including Evian, Air France and Canal+.

  • Location

    Paris, France

  • Designed by

    T&P Work Unit

  • Type of space

    Creative, Media & Film

In 2016, they moved into Les Magasins Généraux, an impressive structure on the banks of the Canal de l’Ourcq, which until recently had been a playground for graffiti artists whose artwork covered the entire complex.

In 2014, architect Frédéric Jung was enlisted to help redesign the structure, which included restoring the original lines and volumes of the building built in the 1930s, to extend the history of this functional building while creating a new space for creativity.

With the building complete, BETC were ready to move in during the summer of 2016, with T&P Work Unit selected as the architectural practice brought in to develop their...

"Pantin is a new trendy working area in Paris, and BETC wanted to bring new ideas into the building conception and thinking how people were going to work. The HÅG Capisco pushes people to stop thinking about “classic way of sitting”, and think a little differently, which was precisely the aims of the overall project."
T&P Work Unit

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