Sitzlösungen von Flokk online kaufen

Wir verfügen über ein weltweites Netzwerk von Fachhändlern, bei denen unsere Produkte erhältlich sind – viele davon können auch online erworben werden. Hier finden Sie einen deutschen Online-Händler.


Die ErgonomieWelt ist der Online-Shop des deutschen Fachhandels für ergonomische Möbel. Er bietet echte ergonomische Möbel und einen besonderen vor Ort Service. Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie einen Liefer-, Montage- oder Beratungsservice beim Fachhändler...



Back 2

Back2 started as a small back care retailer in Euston Road, London, over thirty years ago. We now have a walk-in showroom in the heart of London's West End where we offer free ergonomic advice, consultations, assessments and set-ups, all carried out by qualified DSE professionals.

HÅG chairs from Back 2 | RH chairs from Back 2 | RBM chairs from Back 2

Back In Action

Back in Action was set up in 1988 to help people manage, prevent and treat the symptoms of back pain. Has four great stores in London, Amersham, Bristol and Marlow have an incredible range of stylish, therapeutic furniture that will compliment any home or office.

HÅG products from Back in action | RH chairs from Back in action


Posturite is a leading UK-based ergonomics company that specialises in employee health and wellbeing. We started out as a one-man-band in a garden shed in the early nineties but today our growing team is spread nationwide, helping thousands of clients improve the health, happiness and productivity of their employees through a range of solutions.

HÅG products from Posturite

RH products from Posturite